What did you accomplish in your job this week, this month, this year? Are you recording it? If not, get out your journal and jot it down. When it comes to updating your résumé, it’s easy to forget some of your greatest accomplishments that will bring value to your next job promotion. When taking notes, take time to figure out percentages, dollars saved, time saved, the amount of efficiency improvement. These are the things valued by your current employer and what your future employer will be looking for. Watch for what you have done to improve the company’s bottom line. Perhaps your efficiency resulted in reducing the number of employees, your attention to detail cut the cost of supplies, or possibly your motivational spirit increased the customer base. These are all things you need to jot down in your journal.
Make it a habit to review your current position on a monthly basis to look for the “small” improvements you have made for the company. And, of course, the big ones! Stay alert for the compliments the customers may give. Write them down, or don’t hesitate to ask the customer to send it to you in writing for future reference. When your company does its reporting, check to see what you may have done personally to increase the company’s profits, time management, or employee reduction. Write it down.
Develop a portfolio/journal of pictures, customer compliments, co-worker, and employer comments. These things often fall through the cracks and if you don’t record them, when it comes time to update your résumé they are forgotten, or even lost.
What is it that your employer values?
- Attitude
- Commitment
- Common Sense
- Energy
- Initiative
- Solid work ethic
- Trainability
Cultivate these traits in your current position. Track your progress, especially with percentages and numbers, and record everything that will strengthen your résumé for future positions You will then have a solid record from which to pull your accomplishments when you need them.