Are You Ready for a Career Change? 7 Steps to Make it Happen Successfully!
Change is the one constant in life, and when it comes to your career, change can be an exciting opportunity to grow, thrive, and find happiness in your work. If you’re reading this, you’ve already taken the first step—acknowledging that you’re ready for something new. …
Over 50? Impressive! 5 techniques you can use to your advantage:
1. Your work history: Focus on your recent work history or relevant history – not your whole career. 2. Sell your experience! The most important asset to a new employer is experience applied tactfully and appropriately. 3. Promote your relevant transferable skills. These would include skills …
Help! I Lost My Job Due to the Pandemic. 5 Steps to a New Job!
The pandemic hit and I lost my job! All I can think of is “what am I going to do now?”First of all as millions of others, file for unemployment. Know that you’re not alone. The coronavirus pandemic has caused the loss of more than 20 …
COVID-19 – A Forced Pause – What a Perfect Time to Update Your Résumé!
This unexpected, enforced pause presented by COVID-19 is a perfect time to think about your career. You may have been cut back, or possibly your job has been totally eliminated. Now is a perfect time to reflect on what you are doing. Is this what …
Should I Include This Job on My Résumé?
Dear Amy, I hate my new job. I worked at my old company for 12 years but was let go in a major restructuring. I found a new job, and I’ve been here for four months, but I hate it, and I’m going to quit. My question …
In the Interview: Explaining Why You Left a Job
Hiring new employees is expensive for a company. There’s the time and effort involved in attracting candidates, screening them, and conducting interviews. There’s staff time required to set the person up in the human resources and benefit system, plus the expense to onboard and train …