Retirement Age? You’re ready for your Encore Career!
Jobseeker’s Guide for The Second Half of Life If you are approaching (or have already reached) retirement age, and you’re not ready to disconnect from the workforce, you are not alone — thousands of professionals 55 and older are embarking on second-act careers. The phrase …
When LinkedIn revamps its website
When LinkedIn revamps its website, you may lose some of your data. Take time to backup your Profile and data now. Follow the steps below for easy-to-follow instructions to save your information. LinkedIn announced that “this is the largest redeisgn since LinkedIn’s inception.” So, consider backing …
7 Tips To Getting Your Résumé Read by a Human!
The latest in résumé screening is software that scans your résumé for keywords, experience, and skills. It has made it nearly 80%* more difficult to get your résumé in front of the hiring professional than ever before. Read on for 7 tips on making sure …
What Are Your Accomplishments?
What did you accomplish in your job this week, this month, this year? Are you recording it? If not, get out your journal and jot it down. When it comes to updating your résumé, it’s easy to forget some of your greatest accomplishments that will …
What’s Your Online Reputation?
What is your future employer learning when they check your social media profile? Nine out of 10 hiring managers are looking at your profiles before making a hiring decision, according to Jobvite’s annual Social Recruit Survey (2014). More than half of those surveyed said they’ve …
Résumé Help – What You Need On Your Résumé
Your résumé is, possibly, the most important document you will ever write. It includes your job focus or objective, a brief history of your work experience highlighting your achievements and accomplishments, and documentation demonstrating your skills. Education, training and seminars are included as well as other successes …